Our Energy Future – Unlocking Net Zero
Call for Abstracts
The Electric Energy Society of Australia and the EECON 2022 organising committee are pleased to invite contributions from EESA members and non-members from all sectors of the electricity and related industries. Contributions reflecting the conference theme “Our Energy Future – Unlocking Net Zero” are welcome.
About EESA
The host of EECON, the Electric Energy Society of Australia (EESA) is a not-for-profit organisation and a Technical Society of Engineers Australia, established to advance interest in the field of electric energy. Membership is open to individuals and organisations interested in the purpose and objectives of the society, with our key objective being to provide a continuous professional development program to members. The Australian electric energy industry is subject to radical restructure and reform, so we are committed to meeting the changing needs of members.
About EECON 2022
Even in the time since Brisbane hosted the highly regarded EECON 2018, the pace of change in the electricity industry has only accelerated. EECON 2022 offers delegates from across Australia and elsewhere the opportunity to gather and together solve the many challenges with which we are faced, be they technical, economic, commercial, regulatory, political, or stakeholder. Held approximately annually, EECON brings together delegates from utilities, project proponents, customers, regulators, academia, and consulting. The EECON 2022 organising committee looks forward to welcoming you to our event, which will focus on:
- The future Australian and global energy landscape.
- People, technology and systems unlocking net zero.
- The impact of new generation and of retiring generation.
- Customer-centric developments in the electricity industry.
- The future of utility assets and asset management.
- The relationship between policy, regulatory and economic settings and the evolving grid.
Deadlines and Important Dates
Abstract Due | 03 May 2022, 2100hr Queensland time |
Authors notified of acceptance | 14 June 2022 |
Speaker registration deadline* | 12 August 2022 |
Final presentations due | 16 September 2022 |
Conference dates | 10-12 October 2022 |
*Speakers who have not registered for the conference by this date risk removal from the technical program.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to lodge submissions well before deadline. Early submissions will be looked upon favourably by the conference technical committee.
Conference Topics

Suggested topics for contributions are:
- The customer: needs, wants, expectations, behaviors, and consequences for the industry
- The big picture: what will the future grid look like?
- Generation mix
- Network services and control
- Network reach vs off-grid
- Emerging and refreshed technology – systems, equipment, deployment, maintenance
- Generation – evolving generation profiles, new connections, and retirements
- Future retirement of renewable generation: grid impact, costs, environmental challenges, repurposing
- Visibility and prediction
- What happens behind the meter?
- Non-technical losses
- Non-electrical quantities e.g. meteorological conditions, economics, urban planning
- Power system
- Asset management and whole of asset lifecycle
- Planning
- Operation and control
- Large disturbances and major events
- Performance
- Reliability
- Workforce
- Threats to the grid now; threats to the future grid
- Regulatory environment
- Are current rules and regulations fit for purpose now?
- What will make rules and regulations fit for purpose as the system evolves?
- $$$: what will tariffs look like; trends in costs of electricity
How to Submit an Abstract
Prospective presenters are requested to submit here:
- Paper title
- Names and affiliations of author(s)
- An abstract of up to 300 words, describing the work and its significance in relation to the conference theme.
- Short biography of presenting author(s) (maximum of two presenting authors per paper) Please submit this through Bio tab https://purelycreative.currinda.com/register/event/1194
- Headshot of presenting author(s), Please submit this through the Bio tabs as well – see above link
- If the work is to be published or presented at a major national or international meeting prior to EECON 2022, publication details for the conference technical committee’s consideration.
- Topic in which the proposed presentation best fits.

All submissions must be your original work.
Submission will be taken by the EECON 2022 organising committee as consent to publish the abstract in conference proceedings.
Authors of accepted abstracts are required to register for the conference by 12 August 2022 and provide their presentations by 16 September 2022. Instructions for preparation and supply of presentations will be given concurrently with abstract acceptances.